Friday, June 9, 2017

So Pure a Heart



PictureSeries: Daughters of His Kingdom
Genre: Historical, Romance, Christian
Publisher: Liberty Publishing
Publication date: June 20, 2017
Number of pages: 346

Since the night her dear uncle gave his life for hers, Hannah Young is determined to risk everything by spying for the Patriots in order to seek retribution against the British soldier who killed him. But when her former love, Joseph Wythe, insists on ensuring her safety, she must decide if the vengeance she seeks is worth the danger of his nearness. For the love she once felt is liable to grow deeper and more threatening to her heart than it ever was before.

Leaving his young ward to join the fight for liberty is the hardest thing Joseph Wythe has ever done. Nearly. The most difficult happened ten years past, which he tries his best forget. Seeing Hannah Young again after all this time does something frightening and wonderful to his soul. Though her determination to spy for the 
​Patriots is honorable and brave, he will never allow her to take such a risk without him to protect her, no matter how she protests—and no matter how he knows he will ache all the more for the thing he always wanted and still could never have. 


Well, I was going to wait and post my review but Hannah, Joseph, and Philo just couldn't wait.

I burnt some midnight oil and had book hangovers at work because i just couldn't put their story down!!!
This powerful novel has some awesome twists and turns that will want you to keep turning the pages just like it did me!!!
I literally just could've choked and shook Philo to his senses!!
For a father, he was pretty shelfish (just like my own father)! All he thought about was himself!!!
His brother was interesting as well! 
I do have a superhero in this book. His name is Captain Higley. He has a heart of gold and you will see why when you decide to pick up this book and read it for yourself. 
Hannah and Joseph are two people that I very much in getting to know. If I could travel back in time I'd love to meet them personally to shake their hands. 
Amber has put her heart and soul into this beautiful book. I sensed this right off. I love her stories! She is on my list to add to favorite authors and I look forward to her next book!
I loved this book because sometimes it is hard to accept what blessings that is given to you until its too late!! I enjoyed watching these characters change and grow throughout this novel. 
Thank you Hannah and Joseph for a very interesting story!
Thank you Amber for writing a wonderful book and i am looking forward to the next one!!!!



A Pacific Northwest native, Amber Lynn Perry lives in Washington state with her husband and two daughters. She studied humanities at Portland State University and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree focused on art history. As a homeschooling mom, Amber spends much of her time teaching everything from Shakespeare to science.
When she isn’t crafting with her kids, making dinner or driving to dance classes, Amber is either reading or writing about her favorite time in American history. The Revolutionary era has captured her imagination from the time she was in middle school. Through her books, Amber hopes to not only give readers a glimpse into the past, but to instill in them a lasting love of liberty.


1. Who or what inspired you to become an author?
Oh! That’s a great question! It was Deeanne Gist who first told me I should write. I’m not even sure if she remembers mentioning anything to me, but after she said it I thought, “Hey! Why not??”

2. When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?  Did becoming an author ever cross your mind?
Actually, being an author never really came to mind, though I did first start writing—just for fun—in middle school. That was when the idea for So Fair a Lady began!

3. Who are some of your favorite authors?  Do these authors inspire your own writing?
Some of my favorite authors are Laura Frantz, and Tamara Leigh. Their stories, their prose, the depth of their characters—everything about their writing inspires me to be better.

4. What inspired the idea for the Daughters in His Kingdom Series? What inspired the idea for So Pure a Heart?
I first got the idea for the series when I was young—I’ve been obsessed with the American Revolution since middle school, and I thought how exciting it would be to bring the era to life. I hope that readers will be inspired by the courage and perseverance of the early Americans. Before writing So Pure a Heart, I did a lot of studying on spying during the Revolution and was so astonished and awed-inspired by the incredible things that regular citizens did for the cause that I just knew I needed to write about them…while including a good bit of romance, too, of course. ;)

5. What do you want readers to take away from reading So Pure a Heart?
Oh, my…well, I know that every reader reads a book a little differently, even though they are reading the same words—but overall, I do hope people will (like I mentioned before) be inspired by the sacrifices people made for freedom.

6. When you are not writing, what other “caps” do you wear and what hobbies do you enjoy?
Fun!! I love talking about writing, but I love this question, too—life is full of exciting things! I love to teach—I do homeschool with my girls and I also teach songs to the children in my church group. 


Book Covers

​Creating a cover is probably one of the most exciting things about the writing process—for me anyway. It brings the story to life and is the first impression that potential readers will have, so it’s got to be good. I knew before my first book was released that I wanted to dress-up and be on the cover because finding good photography or art that depicts the colonial era is difficult. I started saving my money and after I had enough, I purchased a dress straight from Colonial Williamsburg because authenticity is important to me, and I knew I could trust it to be period correct.

One of my friends was willing to take some pictures and, oh, was I thrilled how they turned out! After that, I knew I wanted to be on every cover because the result was just what I’d hoped. At first I didn’t want to make public the fact that I was on the cover, but after a little encouragement from some fellow authors, I decided to make it known—and I’m so glad I did! It’s been a great thing to talk about with readers and I think they really enjoy it. At least I hope they do. ;)

Book four was no exception. I was really excited about this cover shoot because I knew I wanted to feature a hat with my costume—I love hats!! I had it specially made by a woman who owns an incredible Etsy shop and knows more about Colonial era clothing than anyone I’ve ever spoken with. The top I wore for this shoot was also from Colonial Williamsburg, actually, as was the purple apron. I knew from the get-go that it was going to be great, but once I saw the cover all put together…I was over the moon!

I feel so grateful to get to be part of such a fun, creative process and I hope to be able to do a few more in the future. <3 


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