"She's yours." Until now, Rosanna Mast's hopes for the future have all revolved around handsome Henry Zook. But when a young Englisch girl places her newborn daughter in Rosanna's arms and utters those words, shock quickly turns to fierce, protective devotion. Between helping her midwife mamm and caring for her own siblings, Rosanna has plenty of experience with babies. And who wouldn't love a sweet-natured boppli like little Mollie? Yet to her dismay, Henry has no intention of ever taking on another man's child. Instead, it is steady, thoughtful Paul Hertzler who becomes Rosanna's staunch supporter.
Paul knows he should have acted sooner on his feelings for Rosanna. Now, as her dream of adopting Mollie meets unexpected hurdles, he sees a way to help. Rosanna would do anything to keep baby Mollie--perhaps even agree to marriage. But will Rosanna continue to hold him at arm's length, or see that he longs to offer her the love and family she deserves?
Such a wonderful story! I always try not to miss out on this authors books! Her writing just pulls you into the book and doesn't let go until the end
There were times that I wanted to laugh, cry , and strangle some people but that's normal.
Do you believe that God knows what he's doing? I do with my whole heart and I trust Him. Yes, Trust is hard and that's where Faith comes in.
I think sometimes it's easy to say pray and pray hard to another person because it's not them going through this trial in Life. Jesus told us that life will never be easy. Especially if we walk with Him.
This is why I admired Rosanna. I loved her because she is the most kindest, caring person in the book. I admired because of her desire to help people in need like her mother Sarah does.
Paul is an unusual man in my book. There's not many like him around anymore. He's just as kind and caring as Rosanna. I love his saying "Good things come to those who wait and I believe that our dear sweet Rosanna said that too.
And dear sweet Mollie! What a wonderful little girl!! And even I wanted to snatch her up and hold her. I felt like she was my little girl I never had.
Folks I strongly recommend a box of tissues beside you. I believe you'll need them.
I recommend this book. NO compensations were received and all opinions are my own.

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