Monday, May 6, 2019




She must choose between the man who represents the law and the one who may have taken it into his own hands. Neglected by her parents for most of her life, Nicole Hunter keeps everyone, especially men, at arms’ length. So when Attorney Gage Kelly walks into the diner where she is waiting tables one evening, she fights her attraction to him with everything she has. 

Gage and his brother Holden grew up in an abusive home, and Gage has baggage of his own. But the connection between him and Nicole is too strong to ignore, and Gage manages to convince them both that their relationship is worth the risk. Then children begin disappearing in the night.

When Detective Daniel Grey starts to close in on the child snatcher, and enlists Nicole’s help, she faces her deepest fear. Everything and everyone she has clung to so tightly could be ripped from her, leaving her completely alone. 


I wish I could give this book 10 stars or more!! This was such a good book that I stayed up til 3 am last night to try and finish it. But, alas I didn't make it. I had to finish it this morning. 
Man!!! A question I kept asking myself was Why? Why does God allow certain things to happen? The simple answer I believe is, so we'd come to Him and cast all our cares onto to Him. Sounds easy doesn't it? But, alas being the ornery humans that we are we think we can do it all on our own!! I think this is where pride goeth before a fall so to speak.
As I read this book I can tell that the author's heart and soul was all out in this book the way the characters were well thought out including the supporting characters. Such strong ones too!! 
Of course I fell in love with Gage and Holden both. I love them because of their willingness to help others and being met with "blocks" which only strengthens their determination.
And keeping their faith in God too. That's definitely a big plus for me.
It often amazes me how these authors come out with a story line and make it seem real to us readers. 
This is definitely different from what I am used to reading but I loved it.
I like expanding outside my reading preferences!! I never know where God will lead me to read or where I will travel next.
This story has made ever so thankful for the parents who raised me. My mom was the best friend a girl could have until she got sick with her diabetes.
Y'all will need some tissues for this book and there's a very big surprise at the end. 
I received a complimentary copy of this book with no compensations and all opinions are my own!!

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