Oh my it was hotter than Hades!! Then to top it off the air conditioning went out our car which didn't help matters any.
What we really went down for was the Artisan Arts and Crafts show. I hadn't planned on going to the top of the bridge. But now, that I think about it I"m glad we did.
Since it was too hot to take the trail like we normally do, we opted out to ride the skylift. What a treat!! We got to go straight up the mountain and from our point of view, it looked like we were going to crash into the mountain side!!
Here's a picture of me and Michael in the chair lift going up the side of the mountain side. Michael was squinting his eyes because the sun was too bright lol so was I!!

Here's another one of us after we got to the top of the bridge.
Sorry the picture is so dark!! Like I said earlier, the sun was really bright that day.

Isn't the scenery gorgeous? Kentucky is a very beautiful state. The only thing I really don't like about it is the very high pollen count. Especially around this time of month through the first frost. Here's some scenery photos!! Enjoy!!!

My son then went under the bridge for me a took these lovely photos!! Since I"m now on a cane and can't really get down to the bottom and it was really hot I sat in the shade and let him do it lol!! And guess what? I made the mistake of eating before we went on this short jaunt. I think I did get a little bit of heat sickness but not Michael!! He downed a chocolate shake from Arby's and it didn't bother him one bit!! Lucky butt!!

Another view of the bridge. Michael took a few in case they didn't turn out very well.

Here's one I wasn't expecting him to take and this one is called Lover's Leap.
When my son told me how this was named and that it came from an Indian Story. It's too long to tell here but I will get him to explain it to me someday.

I'm not sure if this was taken going up or getting ready to come back down. Coming back down is to me the really scary part!! It's like you're suspended out in mid air before the drop down. Not a very pleasant feeling for someone who is scared to death of heights!! But you know what?? I ended up enjoying the ride after all!! It was peaceful and I could feel the presence of God around me saying it's all right my child.
All in all, it was a lovely way to spend the Sabbath.

And last but least here I am with my cane. Man did that ever come in handy!! Some day I will tell how I came by it.
If you ever want to come and feel God's presence, there's nothing like being out in nature at it's finest. I highly recommend this outing!!
Oh, and we ran into a group of Mennonites enjoying the same thing. I think they were part of a youth group. This is the first time that we've been there that a group like this has come here that I know of.
They had an English driver with them which confused us because I thought they were allowed to drive.
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